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The above (a) and (b) are basically dependent on in assembling error of the instrument. These
are measured and corrected once in the beginning (before delivery of the instrument). But since
the beam irradiation position may shift when adjusting the electron beam axis, this measurement
tool is provided to enable measurement and correction at any time.
In the other hand, the specimen height error (the above (c)) will change whenever specimens are
exchanged. It shall be compensated at each specimen exchange to get best accuracy.
It is not necessary when you use the eucentric rotation function with no tilting condition.
(1) Specifing eucentric or non-eucentric rotation or tilt
Check the Eucentric check box in the XYR block to enable the eucentric rotation.
It is effective when rotate R axis by specifying the angle value. Not effective when rotate R
axis using continuous rotation.
Check the Eucentric Tilt check box in the Z/Tilt block to enable the eucentric Tilt.
It is effective when tilting specimen by specifying the angle value. Not effective when using
continuous tilting.
(2) Calibration
Following calibration commands are provided.
(a) Measure and correct the deviation between rotation center axis and beam irradiation
(b) Measure and correct the deviation between tilt center axis and beam irradiation position.
(c) Measure and correct the deviation between rotation center axis and beam irradiation
position caused by changing Z axis position.
(d) Measure the specimen height error and compensate the rotation center and the tilt center
The above (a) to (c) are basically dependent on in assembling error of the instrument.
These are measured and corrected once in the beginning (before delivery of the instrument).
But since the beam irradiation position may shift when adjusting the electron beam axis, this
measurement tool is provided to enable measurement and correction at any time.
In the other hand, the specimen height error (the above (d)) will change whenever specimens
are exchanged. It shall be compensated at each specimen exchange to get best accuracy.
It is not necessary when you use the eucentric rotation function with no tilting condition.
To carry out the calibrations, use a flat sample and set the specimen height as close to the
standard height as possible.
The R, Z and T axes of the stage are driven automatically in this series of operations.
So before starting operation, check the following points.