The following applies to the XC5010C and XCL5010, only.
For remote communications with up to three XBS Building
Centrals, a modem or ISDN terminal adapter can be
connected directly to the serial port of the XC5010C CPU
(either front or rear connection) or the serial port of the
NOTE: Remote communication via modem or ISDN terminal
adapter requires firmware version V2.1.0 or higher.
NOTE: XBSi building supervisors are not supported for
remote communication.
Modem or ISDN Terminal Adapter
The front serial port of the XC5010C CPU accepts a standard
modem cable with a female 9-pin connector.
Fig. 92. Serial port locations on Excel 500
Use the cable that is supplied with the modem/ISDN terminal
adapter. To connect to the terminals of the rear serial port of
the XC5010C, use cable XW571 (length: 6 ft (1.9m)).
Table 25. XW571 Connection
Pin XC5010C RS232 signal Wire color
2 RTS Blue
3 GND White
4 TxD Yellow
5 RxD Green
6 CTS Violet
7 DTR Black
8 (not used) SG White
9 DCD Brown
10 Shield Clear
11 (not used) RI Red
NOTE: Pin numbers shown are for the rear connector of the
XC5010C Computer Module.
The serial port of the XCL5010 CPU accepts a standard
modem cable with a female 9-pin connector.
Fig. 93. Serial port location on Excel 500-XCL5010
Use the cable that is supplied with the modem/ISDN terminal
adapter. The communication speed is 9600 baud by default
but can be set as high as 38.4 Kbaud.
NOTE: See section "Serial Port" on page 32, for signals of
serial port.
Modem Requirements
• Modem must support Hayes compatible command set (not
V150 or V151 = Microsoft command set)
• Modem must support alpha-numeric return codes
• Modem must follow serial baud rate of the CPU
• Modem must support auto-bauding (baud rate fall-back)
• When carrier detect (connect) is reported, the carrier must
be on simultaneously at both modems (on CPU side and
on XBS side) use same modem
• After a switch-ON of the DTR line by the CPU or XBS, the
modem must accept a dial command after 3 seconds
• Modem must answer AT commands in less than 3
No Set-up for Standard Modem Behavior
If no special modem behavior is required, there is no need to
set up or initialize the modem/ISDN terminal adapter. The
XC5010C/XCL5010 CPU will automatically detect the device
(MMI or modem) attached to the serial port and set the
appropriate communication speed. The controller will also
automatically adapt to alphanumeric return codes used by the
modem. This automatic detection and adjustment can take up
to 5 seconds.
NOTE: It is highly recommended to use a state-of-the-art
modem and leave it in its factory setting.
EN1R-1047GE51 R0702