151209 7-43 Daylight Saving Time Start and End
This option lets you to adjust the week and month Daylight Saving Time (DST) starts and
ends. For this feature to work, you must enable (set to Yes) the DST option under Misc.
Options 1 (see Section You can view and change the settings in this option anytime,
however, settings will not take effect until 2007. The default values for the DST Start and End
options reflect the August 8, 2005 DST law that goes into effect in 2007:
DST Start: The second Sunday in March
DST End: The first Sunday in November
To set the start and end for Daylight Saving Time:
11. Press the or arrow to select the week (1st, 2nd, etc.) Daylight Saving Time starts,
then press to make your selection and move to the month setting.
12. Press the or arrow to select the month (January – December) Daylight Saving Time
starts, then press to make your selection and move to the DST End option.
13. Press the or arrow to select the week (1st, 2nd, etc.) Daylight Saving Time ends,
then press to make your selection and move to the month setting.
14. Press the or arrow to select the month (January – December) Daylight Saving Time
ends, then press two times to make your selection and exit Misc. Options 3.