IntelliKnight 5820XL Installation Manual
6-2 151209
6.1.1 Input Points
JumpStart will determine the number and type of input points (detectors or contact monitor
modules) on each SLC loop. JumpStart assigns the correct detector type (heat, ionization or
photoelectric), so the installer does not need to edit device type for detectors. Any contact
monitor modules on the system will be assigned type "Manual Pull." The installer will need to
manually change the switch type if manual pull is not correct.
JumpStart creates one zone (Zone 1) and assigns all input points to Zone 1. Zone 1 is mapped
to Output Group 1. After JumpStart completes, you can re-map to configure a multiple zone/
output group system (see Section For a general explanation of mapping, see Section
6.1.2 Output Points
JumpStart creates three output groups and assigns output circuits as follows:
Circuits 1-6:
Configured as Notification and assigned to Group 1. JumpStart automatically programs Zone
1 to activate Group 1 using constant on output.
Circuit 7 (Relay 1):
Assigned to Group 249. JumpStart automatically programs Zone 1 to activate Group 249
using constant on output when a supervisory condition occurs.
Circuit 8 (Relay 2):
Assigned to Group 250. JumpStart automatically programs Zone 1 to activate Group 250
using constant on output when an alarm occurs.
Addressable output points (Relay modules, NAC Modules, Sounder Bases, Relay Bases):
All addressable relay devices will be configured as “Output Pt” (general purpose output point)
and assigned to Group 1.
Note: Relay output is constant even if the zone activating the relay is programmed with an output pattern.
6.1.3 Running JumpStart
Run JumpStart immediately after you have addressed and connected all input devices
(detectors, pull stations, and so on) and output devices (notification appliances, relays, and so
Note: If you need to install a few devices after you have run JumpStart, you can install them manually. Follow
instructions in Section 8 for configuration.
To run JumpStart, follow these steps.
1. Press to view Main Menu.
2. Select for Program Menu.