5 - 20
RSS Family
No option specified at this time. Always transmit 0. RSS-14 and RSS-Limited transmit with an
Application Identifier “01”. Note: In UCC/EAN-128 emulation mode, RSS is transmitted using
Code 128 rules (i.e., ]C1).
Example: An RSS-14 bar code 100123456788902 is transmitted as ]e001100123456788902.
EAN.UCC Composites (RSS, UCC/EAN-128, 2D portion of UPC composite)
Native mode transmission. Note: UPC portion of composite is transmitted using UPC rules.
0 Standard data packet.
1 Data packet containing the data following an encoded symbol separator character.
2 Data packet containing the data following an escape mechanism character. The data packet
does not support the ECI protocol.
3 Data packet containing the data following an escape mechanism character. The data packet
supports the ECI protocol.
- UCC/EAN-128 emulation Note: UPC portion of composite is transmitted using UPC rules.
1 Data packet is a UCC/EAN-128 symbol (i.e., data is preceded with ]JC1).
PDF417, Micro PDF417
0 Reader set to conform to protocol defined in 1994 PDF417 symbology specifications. Note:
When this option is transmitted, the receiver cannot reliably determine whether ECIs have been
invoked or whether data byte 92DEC has been doubled in transmission.
1 Reader set to follow the ECI protocol (Extended Channel Interpretation). All data characters
92DEC are doubled.
2 Reader set for Basic Channel operation (no escape character transmission protocol). Data
characters 92DEC are not doubled. Note: When decoders are set to this mode, unbuffered
Macro symbols and symbols requiring the decoder to convey ECI escape sequences cannot be
3 The bar code contains a UCC/EAN-128 symbol, and the first codeword is 903-907, 912, 914,
4 The bar code contains a UCC/EAN-128 symbol, and the first codeword is in the range 908-909.
5 The bar code contains a UCC/EAN-128 symbol, and the first codeword is in the range 910-911.
Example: A PDF417 bar code ABCD, with no transmission protocol enabled, is transmitted as
Data Matrix
0 ECC 000-140, not supported.
1 ECC 200.
2 ECC 200, FNC1 in first or fifth position.
3 ECC 200, FNC1 in second or sixth position.
4 ECC 200, ECI protocol implemented.
5 ECC 200, FNC1 in first or fifth position, ECI protocol implemented.
6 ECC 200, FNC1 in second or sixth position, ECI protocol implemented.
0 Symbol in Mode 4 or 5.
1 Symbol in Mode 2 or 3.
2 Symbol in Mode 4 or 5, ECI protocol implemented.
3 Symbol in Mode 2 or 3, ECI protocol implemented in secondary message.