4 - 15
Linear Code Type Security Level (Redundancy Level)
Use this parameter to determine the security level appropriate for bar code quality. The security level indicates how many
times the bar code must be successfully read by the scanner before being decoded.
There are four security levels. Higher security levels are selected for decreasing levels of bar code quality. As security lev-
els increase, the scanner’s aggressiveness decreases.
Select an option by scanning one of the bar codes shown below. If you wish to change your selection, scan Cancel.
Note: Linear Code Type Security does not apply to Code 128.
Level 1 The following code types must be successfully read twice before being decoded:
Codabar : All lengths
MSI Plessey : Length of 4 characters or less
D 2 of 5 : Length of 8 characters or less
I 2 of 5 : Length of 8 characters or less
Level 2 All code types must be successfully read twice before being decoded.
Level 3 Code types other than the following must be successfully read two times before being decoded. The
following codes must be read three times:
MSI Plessey : Length of 4 characters or less
D 2 of 5 : Length of 8 characters or less
I 2 of 5 : Length of 8 characters or less
Level 4 All code types must be successfully read three times before being decoded.
* Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4