4 - 5 Power Supply and Grounding
■ Power supply
To supply power to the DCP552, use an instrument-dedicated single-phase power
supply subject to minimal electrical interference.
Handling Precautions
If electrical interference proves excessive, we recommend adding an
insulating transformer and/or using a line filter.
model No.: 81446364-001
•After carrying out interference reducing measures, do not bundle the
primary and secondary power supply coils together or insert them in the
same conduit or duct.
■ Grounding
If grounding the shield wire or other lines proves difficult, ground them separately
to a grounding terminal block.
Type : A ground resistance of maximum 100Ω
Conductor : Annealed copper wire, min. 2mm
Max. Length : 20m
Handling Precautions
To ground the DCP552, connect the FG terminal (terminal (52) or (53)) to a
single ground point without jumpering.