
Voltage, Open collector output (with setup data C21 set between 2 to 5)
Chapter 5. FUNCTIONS
Initialization of PID
control computation
Output deviation limiter
PID control computation
Setting: PID paramete P / l / d / rE (for CH1)
Setup data C23
Setting: variable parameter PA17, PA43
Setting: variable parameter PA14
Upper and lower output limiter
Setting: PID parameter oL / oH (for CH1)
ON-OFF control computation
Setting: variable parameter PA16
(PID parameter oL, oH are valid when setup
data C21 is set to 3 or 5.)
During ON-OFF control
AT computation
Setting: variable parameter PA08, PA09, PA10
(Variable parameter PA09 and PA10 are valid
when setup data C21 is set to 3 or 5,
During AT executing
Setting: setup data C33, C34
During overrange
Setting: setup data C32
In READY mode
In MANUAL mode
Preset MANUAL value
Output 1 time proportional
output cycle
Setting: variable parameter PA15
Setup data C93
(ON-OFF control and AT execution are valid
when setup data C21 is set to 2 or 4, respectively.)
Setting: setup data C35, C36
Output voltage 1 control
(During 6D output)
Setting: setup data C95
Output 1
Voltage time proportional output
Proportional output when open collector is on
Manipulated variable during overrange
Manipulated variable in READY mode
MANUAL Manipulated variable
Manipulated variable (MV1)