Dolphin® 7900 Series Mobile Computer User’s Guide 11 - 13
Ringtone Configuration
Different ringtones, with individual volume settings, can be set for the following:
Ring Tone Sounds on an incoming call.
Message Tone Sounds on an incoming SMS or Voicemail notification.
Call Waiting Tone Sounds to indicate an incoming call while you are already on a voice call.
Accessing Ringtone Configuration
You can access Ringtones two ways:
1. Go to Start > Settings > Personal tab > Ringtones icon OR
2. Open the Dialler (tap Start > Programs > uPhone > Dialler) and go to Tools > Ringtones.
The Ringtones screen opens displaying the current settings.
Select the desired ringtone for each type of tone in the drop-down lists. Tapping OK saves any changes. Opening another screen
without tapping OK discards any changes.
WAV Files
You can customize your ringtones with *.wav files installed on your terminal. To appear here, *.wav files must be stored in the
Programs Files > uPhone >Ring Tones folder.
Previewing Tones
You can preview each tone by selecting the *.wav file in the drop-down list and tapping the Preview button. Use the slider to set
the volume for each tone.
While the tone is playing, the Preview button changes to a Stop button; tap it to stop the preview.