Dolphin® 7900 Series Mobile Computer User’s Guide 12 - 1
Dolphin 7900 terminals ship with the following Microsoft applications installed:
• Calendar (page 12-1)
• Contacts (page 12-3)
• Tasks (page 12-6)
• Notes (page 12-7)
• Messaging (page 12-8)
• Pocket Internet Explorer (page 12-11)
• Pocket Word (page 12-14)
• Pocket Excel (page 12-16)
• Windows Media Player for Pocket PC (page 12-18)
• MSN Messenger (page 12-19)
• Pictures (page 12-20)
Note: Microsoft
Money, Microsoft
Reader are NOT installed on the Dolphin 7900 when shipped but may be installed from the
Microsoft Companion CD.
Use Calendar to schedule appointments, including meetings and other events. You can check your appointments in one of
several views (Agenda, Day, Week, Month, and Year) and easily switch views by using the View menu.
Note: You can customize the Calendar display, such as changing the first day of the week, by tapping the Tools menu.
Creating an Appointment
1. If you are in Day or Week view, tap the desired date and time for the appointment.
2. Tap New.