12/03 DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder Product Manual
1. Overview
1.1 Introduction
The DR4300 recorder is a one or two pen microprocessor-based circular chart recorder. The basic DR4301
(one pen) and DR4302 (two pen) recorders provide reliable, convenient pen-drawn analog traces on
preprinted 10 inch (250 mm) charts. Both the chart and the pens are driven by stepper motors controlled by
the microprocessor. Chart speed and range are configurable. The basic recorder is also available in CE
models DR4321 (one pen) and DR4322 (two pen).
In addition to generating pen-drawn chart traces, the DR4311 (one pen) and DR4312 (two pen) models
include a display and keypad. This option lets you display the real time value of the process variable for
each pen channel, as well as other values. The recorder with display and keypad is also available in CE
models DR4331 (one pen) and DR4332 (two pen).
Each pen channel has its own printed circuit assembly (PCA), allowing the channels to operate
CE conformity (Europe)
Indicated models of this product are in conformity with the protection requirements of the following
European Council Directives: 73/23/EEC, the Low Voltage Directive, and 89/336/EEC, the EMC
Directive. Conformity of this product with any other “CE Mark” Directive(s) shall not be assumed.
Deviation from the installation conditions specified in this manual, and the special conditions for CE
conformity in Section 2 of this manual, may invalidate this product’s conformity with the Low Voltage and
EMC Directives.
Analog inputs
The input for each pen channel can be one of any standard electrical signal: milliamp, millivolt, voltage,
RTD, or thermocouple. The input type and range are configurable. In the models having display and
keypad the range can be expanded and compressed to meet specific measurement needs. The display and
keypad also permit entry of input bias and filter values. (The input filter for the models without a display is
fixed at one second; their bias is zero.)
Digital inputs
Two digital inputs for each pen channel are available as an option. These inputs can be used to trigger the
switchover to a second control setpoint or a pre-configured constant output if an external event causes
contact closure (sets the digital input to ON). In addition, the digital inputs can be used to remotely reset
the optional totalizer or limit controller.