DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder
244 DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder Product Manual 12/03
CTRALG parameter, 95, 100, 102, 103
current outputs, 94
calibration, 141, 154
Current outputs, 41
current range. See CURRNG parameter
CURRNG parameter, 95
CYC TI parameter, 103
CYC2TI parameter, 103
cycle timer. See CYC TI parameter
DBAND parameter, 97
deadband. See DBAND parameter
decimal point location. See DECMAL parameter
DECMAL parameter, 85
derivative term, 92, 96
diagnostic tests
with display, 124, 131, 173, 174
without display, 166
digital inputs
configuration, 89, 93, 112, 113
Dimensions, 15
direct action control. See ACTION parameter
description, 72, 128
testing, 125, 184
display cable, 79
door assembly parts, 192
EEFAIL error message, 177
electrical noise, 162, 172
Electrical noise precautions, 23, 28
END 1 parameter, 218
END ST parameter, 219
error messages, 131, 176
External switches, 33
factory calibration (with display), 141
failsafe mode, 88, 98, 124, 133, 174, 175
FAILSF error message, 177
FAILSF parameter, 98, 124, 174
field calibration (with display), 141
FILTER parameter, 87
FINL SP parameter, 104
Flush mounting, 17
Fuses, 27
fuzzy overshoot suppression, 100
FUZZY parameter, 101
GAIN 2 parameter, 103
GAIN parameter, 98, 101, 102
heat/cool application, 101, 102, 103
Heavy Duty door mounting, 18
HOLD status message, 131, 176
HOUR parameter, 90
HYST parameter, 97
hysteresis. See alarm hysteresis and control hysteresis
I MIN parameter, 99, 102
I RPM parameter, 99, 102
I2 MIN parameter, 103
I2 RPM parameter, 103
ice bath, 148
IN PHI parameter, 87
IN PLO parameter, 87
IN TYP parameter, 86, 136, 177
indicators on display, 72, 129
ink cartridges
part numbers, 193
replacing, 159
INP FL error message, 178
INPRNG error message, 178
input actuation type. See IN TYP parameter
input bias
with display, 87
Input bias
with display, 1
input calibration (with display), 141
input failure
with display, 81, 88, 178
input filter
with display, 87
Input filter, 1, 13
input high range value. See INPHI parameter
input out of range, 178
input set up group, 85
Input wiring
analog, 31
digital, 33
INSPAN parameter
, 152
Installation, 11
integral control. See I RPM parameter. See I MIN
integral term, 99
INZERO parameter, 152