ADVISORY: (continued)
*WPT ALERT The aircraft is within 30 seconds ETE of the
next leg lateral change. Message annuncia-
tor will not illuminate.
WPT MEM FULL All 999 waypoint locations have been used
in flight plans or as FROM or TO waypoints.
VNAV WPT ALERT Aircraft is within 1 minute ETE of #TOD or
path intercept point. Message annunciator
will not illuminate. However the discrete
WPT annunciator will flash for 10 seconds
then go steady
VSPD FAIL The system vertical speed input has failed.
The following are sensor messages that may appear on the SEN-
SOR MESSAGES Page. All messages will cause the MSG annunci-
ator to flash unless other wise noted with an asterisk*.
Sensor Message Explanation
ACCURACY WARN The integrity monitoring system that moni-
tors the satellite constellation (RAIM) has
detected a GPS horizontal position error that
is outside the alarm threshold for the phase
of flight in progress. (.3NM Approach; 1NM
Terminal; 2NM Enroute)
ALIGN The IRS is in the alignment mode and is not
yet NAV RDY.
ATTITUDE The IRS is in the Attitude mode.
BATTERY WARN The sensor is operating on its own internal
CHECK QUAL The VPU quality factor has exceeded the
pilot entered advisory quality factor.
*DESELECTED The sensor has been manually deselected
and will no longer contribute to the computa-
tion of composite (blended) position.
Message annunciator will not illuminate.
Page Display Definitions
GNS-XL Flight Management System
Rev. 0