System Operation
GNS-XL Flight Management System
Rev. 3
b. Longitude - Use only the last two digits of the first, three-digit
longitude value.
c. Letter Placement - The letter designator will be the last
character in the five-character string if the longitude is less
than 100 degrees and will be the third character in the five-
character string if the longitude is 100 degrees or greater.
d. The letter “N” is used for north latitude and west longitude.
The letter “E” is used for north latitude and east longitude.
The letter ”S” is used for south latitude and east longitude.
The letter “W” is used for south latitude and west longitude.
2. Examples:
North latitude/West longitude North latitude/East longitude
N50 00/W040 00 = 5040N N50 00/E040 00 = 5040E
N07 00/W008 00 = 0708N N07 00/E008 00 = 0708E
N75 00/W170 00 = 75N70 N75 00/E170 00 = 75E70
N07 00/W120 00 = 07N20 N07 00/E120 00 = 07E20
South latitude/East longitude South latitude/West longitude
S50 00/E040 00 = 5040S S50 00/W040 00 = 5040W
S07 00/E008 00 = 0708S S07 00/W008 00 = 0708W
S75 00/E170 00 = 75S70 S75 00/W170 00 = 75W70
S07 00/E110 00 = 07S10 S07 00/W120 00 = 07W20
1. Duplicate Waypoint
Identifiers: There are
several waypoints
around the world with
same identifier. If the
identifier selected has
more than one waypoint
associated with it, addi-
tional pages will be indi-
cated on line 1. i.e.1/2,
1/4, etc. The waypoint
nearest the aircraft posi-
tion will be displayed
first. (Figure 3-14)
POS N 33 37.70
W116 09.60
FREQ 116.20
VAR E 13
ELEV -110
Figure 3-14