Finding Airports by Name or City
When the identifier of the desired airport is known (or a part thereof), the
methods previously described can be used for selection. However, if the
identifier is not known, the name of the airport can be entered. The
system will also allow entry
of just the first few characters
of the airport name to help
find it in the database. If nei-
ther the identifier nor the
location name is known, the
city/state can be scanned.
To Enter Airport Name:
The following example
shows entering EAGLE
GROVE MUN as an airport.
1. If necessary, press the
KNOB DATA Soft Key so
that DATA is displayed as
the Control Knob label.
2. Turn the outer knob clock-
wise to select the first char-
acter in the name field as
shown in Figure 9.
3. Turn the inner knob to
select an E as in Figure 10.
4. Turn the outer knob clock-
wise until the cursor is posi-
tioned for the next character.
Turn the inner knob to select
an A as in Figure 11.
Rev 6 Jun/2004
KMD 550/850 Pilot's Guide
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
KMD 550-850 PG R8 3/6/07 11:22 AM Page 14