Rev 8 Mar/2007
KMD 550/850 Pilot's Guide
If the KLN 94 is supplying the
GPS data, and the KLN 94 is
configured to produce the
“Enhanced RS-232 GPS
bus”, the KMD 550/850 will
display the curved paths
including DME arcs,
Procedure Turns and Holding
Patterns. Figure 19 is an
example of a DME arc dis-
Important Note for Garmin
GPS Users
Although Garmin products output the Bendix/King equivalent ARNAV R-
30 (RS232) data sentence format, when put into OBS Mode some
Garmin GPS units stop sending all data including GPS position. In these
circumstances your KMD 550/850 will display an error message saying
NO EXTERNAL GPS DATA since it is not receiving present position.
In the case of DME arcs, turns and holds, some Garmin GPS units send
the flight plan information as if there was no arc or curved flight path.
Therefore the KMD 550/850 has no option but to connect the beginning
and end waypoints of the arc or curve with a straight line. Under these
circumstances the line on the KMD 550/850 MUST BE IGNORED.
Some data from functions not currently selected on the Function Select
Keys can be displayed on the selected function. By pressing the OVLY
Key a display similar to Figure 20 will be displayed.
The base display will reflect the current function
selected on the Function Select Keys. Available
overlay options will be displayed as Soft Labels.
Pressing the soft key associated with the desired
overlay will toggle between
overlay on and off. Pressing
SAVE & EXIT will return to
the selected function. The
overlay status will remain as
saved until changed again by
pressing the OVLY Key. The
following table shows the
available overlay options
based on the function
presently being displayed.
Note that not all options are
available in all installations.
Figure 19
Figure 20
KMD 550-850 PG R8 3/6/07 11:22 AM Page 18