MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide
Proprietary notice on title page applies
CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-150 REV:
(7) When loading is complete the XFER COMP LED on the Smart Card turns ON.
(8) Remove the PCMCIA card from the Smart Card slot.
(9) After approximately 15 seconds the COMPUTER OK LED comes ON to indicate that the contents
of the PCMCIA card were successfully transferred.
(10) Remove the Smart Card connector from the EGPWC front panel J3 connector.
(11) To perform the verification of the Terrain Database version, go to paragraph 4.6.6 below.
4.6.6 Verification of the Terrain Database Version
Since the EGPWC software verifies the PCMCIA card loading process, this verification is to assure the
operator/installer that the correct Regional Terrain Database version is installed.
Terrain Database version verification is accomplished with the EGPWS Self Test (ST) function. The ST function
may be initiated from the aircraft cockpit with the GPWS Test Switch. NOTE: Initiation of the cockpit ST function
may vary from one aircraft to another. For example, the ST function may be initiated by pressing the GPWS
(PULL-UP) light assembly, or by activating a separate ST switch.
The EGPWS ST function has 6 levels that describe the current condition and configuration of the EGPWS, the
fault and warning history, and the condition of the various inputs. To help navigate through the various levels,
there are 2 cancel functions: SHORT CANCEL (press and hold the ST button for more than 0.5 seconds, but
less than 2 seconds) and LONG CANCEL (press and hold the ST button for more than 2 seconds, but less than
8 seconds). The Short Cancel and Long Cancel functions operate differently, depending upon the ST level. To
initiate a ST sequence, or to continue from level-to-level, the ST button must also be ‘pressed and held’ for more
than 0.5 seconds, but less than 2 seconds, which is identical to the Short Cancel function.
Therefore, for simplicity, the phrase “Press ST Button” in the verification procedure means to press and hold the
ST button for more than 0.5 seconds, but less than 2 seconds. The procedure guides the operator directly to ST
Level 3, “System Configuration”, skipping most of ST Level 1 and Level 2.
To verify the Regional Terrain Database that was just loaded into the EGPWC, perform these steps:
NOTE: ‘On the Bench’, this test requires an audio speaker and a self test button. These may not be available
‘On the Bench’ unless when using a Break-Out-Box.
(1) Ensure the EGPWC power is ON
(2) Press ST button to initiate ST Level 1.
(3) After ST Level 1 message starts, Press ST button to cancel Level 1 and start Level 2.
(4) After ST Level 2 message, “Current Faults”, is heard, Press ST button to cancel Level 2.
(5) When the message, “Press to Continue”, is heard, Press ST button to start ST Level 3.
(6) Verify the Terrain Database version annunciated in the following sequence: