MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide
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CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-150 REV:
6.3.2 Uncorrected Barometric Altitude (203)
Source: ARINC 575 ADC
LABEL (Octal) 203 Units: Feet
Max. Range: ± 131,072 Feet
Approx. LSB: 1 Foot
Data Bits: 13 to 29 = 17 + = Above Sea Level (ASL) Sign Bit: Part of SSM Pad Bits: 9 to 17
Transmit Interval (mSec): 62.5 Maximum Data Type: 2’s Complement Binary SDI Bits: N/A
6.3.3 Barometric Altitude Rate (212)
Source: ARINC 575 ADC
LABEL (Octal) 212 Units: Feet/Minute
Max. Range: ± 20,480 Ft/Min
Approx. LSB: 10 Ft/Min
Data Bits: 19 to 29 = 11 + = Ascent Sign Bit: Part of SSM Pad Bits: 9 to 18
Transmit Interval (mSec): 62.5 Maximum Data Type: 2’s Complement Binary SDI Bits: N/A
6.3.4 Computed Airspeed (206)
Source: ARINC 575 ADC
LABEL (Octal) 206 Units: Knots
Max. Range: ± 1024 Knots
Approx. LSB: 0.125 Knot
Data Bits: 17 to 29 = 13 + = Forward Sign Bit: Part of SSM Pad Bits: 9 to 16
Transmit Interval (mSec): 125 Maximum Data Type: 2’s Complement Binary SDI Bits: N/A
6.4 Digital Data, RS-232
RS-232 data can be received and transmitted from an internal GPS Pxpress card in a TTL voltage level for use as a GPS
source. This data can also be received from a simulator in a TIA/EIA RS-232 format, which will be emulating the GPS
data format of the GPS Pxpress card. The characteristics of the GPS Pxpress data is 9600 baud, 1 stop bit, 8 bit data, odd
6.4.1 Xpress GPS Packets ID 15: Lat/Lon/Estimated Horizontal Position Error
Byte Data Type Units
0 Valid Flag Byte Valid = 1, Invalid = 0
1-4 Latitude Real Radians (WGS 84)
5-8 Longitude Real Radians (WGS 84)
9-12 Horizontal Position Error (*) Real Meters
(*) Horizontal position error = 2 * standard deviation of horizontal position.
6.4.2 Xpress GPS Packets ID 16: Altitude/Estimated Vertical Position Error
Byte Data Type Units
0 Valid Flag Byte Valid = 1, Invalid = 0
1-4 Altitude (*) Real Meters (MSL = WGS 84 - Geoid)
5-8 Vertical Position Error (**) Real Meters
(*) Altitude is MSL Altitude, which is computed from WGS 84 altitude by adding the geoid correction.
(**) Vertical position error = 2 * standard deviation of vertical position.
6.4.3 Xpress GPS Packets ID 17: Ground Speed/Track Angle
Byte Data Type Units
0 Valid Flag Byte Valid = 1, Invalid = 0
1-4 Ground Speed Real Meters/Second
5-8 Track Angle Real Degrees (0..360)