154 MS-9600LS Series Manual — P/N 52646:B2 2/12/2010
Operating Instructions Supervisory Operation
Note that the device type, which in this example is PULL STATION, can be any other programma-
ble alarm type.
The information displayed in the above example provides the following information:
• First line in display:
– The type of event; in this example ALARM indicating an alarm condition
– Device type identifier; in this example, PULL STATION indicates a manual pull box. Other
device type identifiers which can be displayed include SMOKE (ION) for Ionization
Detector, HEAT for Heat Detector, CONTROL for Control Module and MONITOR for
Monitor Module, PULL STATION for a manual pull box, etc. Refer to “Edit Detector” on
page 69, “Edit Module Screen for Monitor Module” on page 79, and “Edit Module Screen
for Control Modules” on page 88 for information on additional device types.
• Second line in display:
– <ADJ>; refers to the user programmed adjective descriptor from library list resident in the
control panel or custom entry via PC.
– <NOUN>; refers to the user programmed noun descriptor from library list resident in the
control panel or custom entry via PC.
• Third line in display: Z000 indicates the zone programmed to this device which, in this
example, is general alarm Zone 000. Note that a single device can be programmed to five
different zones but only the first zone will be displayed.
• Fourth line in display:
– Time; the current time in this example is 10:00A which represents 10:00 AM
– Date; the current month, day and year in this example is 01 for January, 08 for the 8th day of
the month, and 10 for the year 2010
– Device Address; 1M001 in this example 1 represents SLC Loop1, M represents a module,
and 001 represents device address 001
4.6 Supervisory Operation
Supervisory operation is similar to alarm operation but with the following differences:
• The piezo sounder pulses ½ second On and ½ second Off
• The Supervisory LED flashes ½ second On and ½ second Off
• The LCD displays the status label Active Supervisory along with the device name, type,
address, adjective/noun, associated zones and time/date
• The supervisory relay is activated
• The alarm relay is not
• Silenced alarms are not resounded
• Timers are not started
• Store event in history buffer
• Terminate upload or download communications
• Supervisory condition must be Acknowledged before the FACP can be reset