26 MS-9600LS Series Manual — P/N 52646:B2 2/12/2010
Product Description Accessories
Powering ANN-BUS Devices from Auxiliary Power Supply
Figure 1.4 illustrates the powering of ANN-BUS devices from an auxiliary power supply such as
the FCPS-24FS6/8, when the total ANN-BUS power requirement exceeds the capability of the
FACP’s DC Power Output circuit.
ANN-BUS Device Addressing
Each ANN-BUS device requires a unique address (ID Number) in order to communicate with the
FACP. A 5-position DIP switch on each device is used to set this address. The address set for these
devices must also be programmed at the FACP for the specific device (refer to the programming
section titled “ANN-BUS Options” on page 121).
A maximum of 8 devices can be connected to the FACP ANN-BUS communication circuit. Device
addresses do not need to be sequential and can be set to any number between 01 and 08. Note that
00 is not a valid address. The following table shows the DIP switch setting for each address.
Figure 1.4 Powering ANN-BUS Devices from FCPS-24FS6/8
-24 VDC
+24 VDC
Cut Ground Fault Detection jumper JP1 (FACP monitors for ground faults)
ANN-BUS and power wiring are
supervised and power-limited
NOTE: Address (ID Number) DIP switches on some devices may have more than 5 switch
positions. Unless otherwise specified in the documentation supplied with each device, switch
positions 6 and above must be set to OFF.