34 www.honeywell.com
Configuring via the Web Server
Configuring the System
2. Click Card Formats at the side of the tab. A card format tells the panel how the card number
will be read. The panel supplies the format to the card readers. Then, the card readers can
correctly read the card.
Anti-Passback Configures the anti-passback feature, which prevents an entrant
to an area from passing his card back to another potential
entrant. Note that anti-passback must first be enabled at the
Configuration > System > General screen (see General Tab,
page 14).
Enabled – Enables the anti-passback feature.
Hard – Does not allow a second entry on the same card without
an exit; validates in/out status before allowing entry.
Soft – Allows entry on the same card without an exit; however,
an event is generated that indicates violation.
Out – Applies to readers located inside the area. Cardholders use
these readers when attempting to exit the area.
In – Applies to readers located outside the area. These are
readers that cardholders use when attempting to enter the area.
Duress Output Configures the output that will trip when a cardholder enters a
“duress PIN” at a keypad/card reader. A duress PIN is the PIN a
user enters at a keypad when being forced (perhaps in a robbery)
to open a door. The user enters his normal PIN, except one of the
digits is one number higher or lower than the normal digit. This
PIN opens the door, but it also triggers the designated duress
output and produces an alarm.
The duress output feature requires the following:
• “Duress” must be enabled on the Configuration > System
> General tab.
• A time zone must be selected for “Card and PIN” on the
Configuration > Doors > Reader tab.
Table 2-4: Configuration > Doors > Reader Tab Descriptions
Setting Description