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Configuring via the Web Server
Configuring the System
– Use limits
– Card holder note 1
– Card holder note 2
– Access levels
Use the field descriptions in the following table to complete the card fields and click
Add Card(s):
Table 2-8: Cards > Add Cards Field Descriptions
Field Description
Card Number(s) Specifies the unique number by which the card holder will be
identified. A card number is required.
Card Holder Name Identifies the card holder. A card holder first and last name is
required. Each name can have up to 25 characters.
Card Type Specifies whether the card holder is a Supervisor, Employee, or a
VIP. A temporary (Temp) flag can be set for each type of card holder.
When the Temp flag is enabled, the expiration date becomes an
active field. Note that the Temp box is active when the panel is
configured for visitor cards in Configuration > System > General
(see “General Tab“ on page 14). A card type is required.
PIN Specifies the Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the card
holder. A PIN is optional; however, if the door reader is configured to
require PIN identification (see “Reader Tab“ on page 31), then you
must create a PIN for the card holder here. The PIN number has a
maximum of six digits.
Trace Sends an alarm message to the alarm monitor whenever a card with
trace enabled is presented at a reader. This feature provides a trace of
the cardholder’s path through the facility.
Expiration Date Specifies the date that a temporary employee’s card is de-activated.
Use Limits Specifies the number of times a card may be read at a card reader to
which it has valid access. Specify the number-of-uses limit as the
number of times access may be granted.
Note 1 Provides a user-defined field. See Configuring the System, page 11
for information about how this field is defined for the Add New Card
Note 2 Provides a user-defined field. See Configuring the System, page 11
for information about how this field is defined for the Add New Card