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The Microsoft Windows CE operating system is installed before shipping. The default BIOS parameters are configured at that
time. In most cases, it is unnecessary to modify the BIOS parameters.
Generally, it is only necessary to enter the BIOS setup to change the boot order of the drives.
This section is not intended to detail all features of the BIOS, instead it is intended to cover the most commonly used setup
Accessing the BIOS Setup
When the Embedded BIOS screen (Phoenix Technologies) is displayed press the Del key to enter BIOS setup.
Use the arrow keys to move around the screen.
To access and modify the BIOS on the Thor VM2, an external keyboard must be attached.
Boot Order
To view or edit the boot order, select the Boot tab.
By default, the first device in the boot order is USB Hard Drive.
The second device is the Windows CE Image.
Exiting BIOS Setup
To exit the BIOS setup, select the Exit tab and select one of these options:
• Save Setting and Restart
• Exit Setup without Saving Changes
• Reload Factory-Defaults and Restart
CAUTION - Be very careful when using this utility to modify BIOS Setup parameters. The Thor VM2 may generate unex-
pected results when incorrect or conflicting parameter values are entered. Selecting incorrect or invalid options may re-
quire the Thor VM2 to be returned for repairs.
The parameters should only be modified by Information Services personnel or the system administrator.
If a USB drive, such as a thumb drive, is attached to the Thor VM2 the Thor VM2 attempts to boot from the USB
• If the USB drive contains a bootable sector, the Thor VM2 boots from the USB drive.
• If the USB drive does not contain a bootable sector, the Thor VM2 does not boot. Remove the USB drive and
boot the Thor VM2 again.