5 - 27
AppLock contains several types of delays and timeouts to accommodate different applications. Please note that the
delays specified on the Application Launch Options (page 5-24) panel are delays before AppLock attempts to start the
specified application(s). The timeouts specified on this panel are delays after AppLock has attempted to launch the
Launch timeout
This timeout specifies the period of time for AppLock to wait for the application to initially launch after the applica-
tion has been called. For example, if the application takes time to launch and then initialize before a display win-
dow is created, use this delay to specify the delay period.
Replace timeout
This timeout specifies the period of time for AppLock to wait after an initial screen (like a password prompt screen)
is replaced by another application window.
Restart timeout
This specifies the period of time for AppLock to wait for an application to restart. If the application fails to restart
automatically, AppLock then proceeds according to the options selected when the application was configured on
the Application (page 5-23) and Application Launch Options (page 5-24) panels.
Use the Status panel to view the log of previous AppLock operations and to configure which messages are to be
recorded during AppLock operation.
Status information is stored in a specific location on the storage device and in a specific log file specified by the Admin-
istrator. For this reason, the administrator can configure the type of status information that is logged, as well as clear
the status information.
Move the cursor to the Filename text box and either type the logfile path or tap the Browse button (the … button). The
standard Windows CE Browse dialog is displayed. After selecting the logfile from the Browse dialog, tap OK.
For detail on error messages written to the log, see AppLock Error Messages (page 10-8).
Note: If your Status Panel does not look like the figure shown above, you may have the Single Application version
which does not have as many options.