Reattaching SRs
Backing up configurations
You can back up and restore the configurations of the resource pool and host servers.
Resource pool configuration
You can utilize a XenServer host’s console to back up the configuration of a resource pool. Use the
following command:
xe pool-dump-database file-name=<backupfile>
This file will contain pool metadata and may be used to restore a pool configuration. Use the
following command, as shown in Figure 39:
xe pool-restore-database file-name=<backupfiletorestore>
Figure 39. Restoring the resource pool configuration
In a restoration operation, the dry-run parameter can be used to ensure you are able to perform a
restoration on the desired target.
For the restoration to be successful, the number of network interfaces and appropriately named NICs
must match the resource pool at the time of backup.
The following curl command can be used to transfer files from a server to a File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
server. The command is as follows:
curl –u <username>:<password> -T <filename>
Host configuration
You can utilize a XenServer host’s console to back up the host configuration. Use the following
command, as shown in Figure 40:
xe host-backup host=<host> file-name=<backupfile>