lvdisplay | grep “VG_XenStorage-da304b0f-fe27-40b2-9034-7799b97b197d”
This example will only contain two virtual disks. The command returns two names starting with VHD
and concatenated with the virtual disk UUID. Note that in XenServer 5.0, the names started with LV,
as shown in Figure 49.
Figure 49.New name.
Step 9 – From the XenServer console in XenCenter. The XPSP2-02-RS-1 storage repository volume
group’s virtual disks need to be renamed. In this example, the two virtual disks,
ba12-44f24522345a” and “/dev/VG_XenStorage-da304b0f-fe27-40b2-9034-
7799b97b197d/VHD-1d128180-3ef3-4e62-977a-2d2883551058” will be renamed. Two random
UUIDs will be created with the following command:
cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid; cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid
The command returns two random UUIDs. In this example, the two random UUIDs are “1a1ccad1-
5528-4809-8c3c-28665474364b” and “94d23675-8e6a-460e-998a-04c0adbb47dd.” On the
console command line, type each command separately:
lvrename /dev/VG_XenStorage-da304b0f-fe27-40b2-9034-7799b97b197d/VHD-
ed07c314-5f69-491d-ba12-44f24522345a /dev/VG_XenStorage-da304b0f-fe27-40b2-9034-
lvrename /dev/VG_XenStorage-da304b0f-fe27-40b2-9034-7799b97b197d/VHD-
1d128180-3ef3-4e62-977a-2d2883551058 /dev/VG_XenStorage-da304b0f-fe27-40b2-9034-
The command returns that the each volume group has been renamed. Note the new UUID highlighted
in bold which matches the generated UUID.