144 Chapter 7 Exchanging Messages
To delete several text or multimedia messages from the thread
While you are viewing the exchange of messages with a contact,
tap Menu > Delete Messages.
Select the check boxes of the text or multimedia messages
that you want to delete, or tap Menu > Select All to select all
Tap Done.
To delete all exchange of messages with a contact
Press and hold the contact whose messages you want to delete.
Tap Delete.
To save the phone number of a received message to your contacts
If you receive a text or multimedia message from a phone number
that is not stored in your contacts, tap that phone number on the All
Messages screen and then tap Save to People.
To resend an undelivered text or multimedia message
If a text or multimedia message in the message thread (or the most
recent message of a contact on the All Messages screen) is indicated
with a warning icon (
), it means that the message has not been
successfully sent.
To resend the message, tap the message in the message thread (or
press and hold the contact on the All Messages screen) and then tap
Retry Send.