166 Chapter 8 Working With Company Email and Meeting Requests
8.5 Making a Call from a Meeting Request or
When you receive a calendar reminder or
meeting request email that contains a phone
number, you can tap the number to directly
place the call.
For example, if you are traveling and need
to join a conference bridge call back in the
home office, rest assured that you can join
the call without delay. Appointment reminders
you receive on your device will conveniently
display the phone number and PIN, ready for
you to dial.
8.6 Finding Contacts in the Company Directory
You can access information of your work contacts, such as their email
addresses, from your company’s Company Directory on your phone.
By having over-the-air access to the Company Directory, you can
easily send email messages and meeting requests to anyone in your
Requirement Access to the Company Directory is available only if the Outlook
E-mail work account on your phone syncs with Microsoft
Exchange Server 2003 SP2 or higher, and you have completed
your first synchronization with the Exchange Server.