4. To download or purchase the app, tap Install or Download (for free apps) or the
price button under Buy (for paid apps).
5. If you agree to the conditions, tap OK to begin downloading and installing the
You can uninstall an app for a refund within a limited time after your purchase. To
know more about the refund policy for paid apps, please visit the Android Market
Help site (http://market.android.com/support).
Opening an installed app
Do one of the following:
§ If you see this icon on the status bar, open the Notifications panel, and then
tap the app.
§ From the Home screen, tap . On the All apps screen, tap the Downloads tab,
and then tap the app.
Uninstalling an app
You can uninstall any app that you have downloaded and installed from Android
1. From the Home screen, tap > Market.
2. Tap My apps.
3. Tap the app you want to uninstall, and then tap Uninstall.
Getting help
If you need help or have questions about Android Market, tap > Help. The web
browser will take you to the Android Market Help site.
121 Android Market and other apps