Viewing photos
After you’ve selected an album, you can browse through your photos and videos.
Slide your finger up or down to scroll through the thumbnails. Tap a photo or video to
view it in full screen.
Zooming in or out on a photo
There are two ways you can zoom in or out of a photo.
§ Tap the screen twice quickly to zoom in, then tap the screen twice quickly again
to zoom out.
§ Press your thumb and index finger on the screen and then spread your fingers
apart to zoom in; pinch your fingers together to zoom out.
Viewing photos as a slideshow
View the photos in an album as a slideshow.
1. Select an album whose photos you want to view as a slideshow.
2. Tap .
§ Tap the screen to show the playback controls.
§ With the playback controls showing, tap to set slideshow preferences.
60 Photos, videos, and music