138 Chapter 7 Exchanging Messages
7.3 How to Know When You Have New Text and
Multimedia Messages
A new message icon ( ) appears in the title bar when there are
new text or multimedia messages received on your phone. The
Home screen’s Messages tab ( ) also shows the number of new
or unread messages.
Depending on the notification sounds set on your phone, the phone
will vibrate or sound an alert when you receive new messages. To find
out how to change the notification sound, see Chapter 14.
On the Home screen, slide to the Messages
tab and then swipe your finger up or down
the screen to browse through received
messages. You can also directly read a new
text message right on the Messages tab.
To view a multimedia message, you have to
tap the message first on the Messages tab
and open it.
For more information about viewing text
and multimedia messages, see “Message