256 Chapter 14 Managing Your Phone
14.5 Using Task Manager
Task Manager shows which programs and processes are currently
running on your phone.
When you close a program by tapping the Close icon (
) on
the top-right corner of the screen, the program still runs in the
background. Use Task Manager to switch between programs or stop
running programs.
Tap Start > Task Manager.
To switch to a running program, tap the program name and then
tap Menu > Switch To.
To stop running a program, tap the program name and then tap
End Task.
To stop running all programs, tap Menu > End All Tasks.
Tap Menu > Exit to close and stop running Task Manager.
14.6 Protecting Your Phone
Protecting your SIM card with a PIN
You can protect your SIM card by requiring a PIN (personal
identification number) every time the phone is turned on. You will not
be able to use the Phone dialer or the data connection until you enter
the correct PIN.
To enable the SIM card PIN
On the Home screen, slide to the Settings tab and then tap
Wireless controls.
On the Comm Manager screen, tap Phone to open the Phone
Settings screen.