
Section 3B. Web and Data Services 147
Web and Data Services
Opera Mobile Menu
On the menu bar, tap to open the menu.
1. Settings. Tap to open the Settings screen where you can set the default home page, change display
settings, set privacy settings, and more.
2. Downloads. Tap to view items being downloaded. You can also resume or stop current downloads.
3. Page Info. Tap to view information about the Web page you are browsing.
4. History. Tap to see Web pages that you have viewed.
5. Saved Pages. Tap to manage and view Web pages that you have saved.
6. Help. Tap to open the Opera Mobile help file.
7. Exit. Tap to close Opera Mobile completely. Opera Mobile will not run in the background.
Using Internet Explorer Mobile
Internet Explorer
Mobile is the standard Web browser that is included with Windows Mobile.
Entering a Website Address and Adding It as Your Web Favorite
Tap Start > All Programs > Internet Explorer.
2. Tap on the address bar, enter the Web address of the desired website, and then tap .
3. Tap Menu > Add to Favorites.
Zooming In or Out of a Web Page
Tap Menu > Zoom Out first to zoom out to the smallest size.
2. Internet Explorer then enters zoom mode. Tapping Zoom In or Zoom Out at the bottom of the screen will
allow you to zoom in or out of the Web page one step at a time.
3. Double-tap the screen to exit zoom mode and display the Web page at normal size.
For more information about using Opera Mobile, go to: http://www.opera.com/products/mobile/.