88 Section 2F. Contacts, Calendar, and Tools
To send a voice recording via Bluetooth:
ᮣ Tap and hold the voice recording you want to send, and then tap Send via Bluetooth. For more information
about Bluetooth, see “Using Bluetooth” on page 93.
To rename or move a recording:
1. Tap and hold the voice recording, and then tap Rename/Move.
2. In the Name box, enter the new voice recording name.
3. To move the voice recording, select the new destination in the Folder and Location boxes, and then tap ok.
WorldCard Mobile (Business Card Scanner)
WorldCard Mobile uses your device’s built-in camera to scan business cards and import the information into
your Contacts.
To access WorldCard Mobile:
ᮣ Tap Start > All Programs > WorldCard Mobile.
To capture a business card and import the information to Contacts:
1. Tap on the WorldCard Mobile screen to open the Camera program.
2. Tap the Virtual Camera button ( ) to take a photo of the business card, and then tap the Back button
( ). For more information about using the Camera, see “Taking Photos and Videos” on page 98.
3. On the WorldCard Mobile screen, tap Recognize.
4. The screen will display contact information captured from the business card. Use the onscreen keyboard
to edit the contact information, if needed.
5. Tap Export to transfer the captured data to Contacts.
6. Tap Start > All Programs > Contacts to view the contact.
For more information about using WorldCard Mobile, tap on the WorldCard Mobile screen to view the
program help.
To select multiple recordings, tap and drag over the desired recordings or tap Menu > Select All. Note that
you can move multiple files, but you cannot rename multiple files simultaneously.
Make sure that lighting is adequate and that the entire business card is visible on the Camera screen before
taking a picture.
• If you want to retake the shot, tap Re-Capture.
• For better recognition, choose the
Language and Region based on the language used in the business
Uncheck the box beside any contact information that you do not want to appear in your Contacts..