48 Section 2C. Using the Home Screen
Keep track of your important appointments and events with the calendar.
Calendar tab displays a monthly calendar with markers to inform you of the dates that you have
appointments and events. You can also change the tab to display in day, week, year, or agenda view.
Creating an Appointment
You can create appointments for the current day which is highlighted on the month calendar, or you can
select another date for creating your new appointments.
1. On the Home screen, slide to the Calendar tab.
2. If you are creating an appointment for the current date, tap Menu > New. Otherwise, tap another date on
the calendar, and then tap
New Appointment.
3. Enter a name for the appointment in the Title box and the location.
4. Set the Start and End dates and times.
Otherwise, if it is a special occasion such as a birthday or a whole-day event, select the
All Day check box.
5. Under Reminder, choose how soon before the appointment you want to be notified.
6. Select the type of category for the appointment so that it can be grouped with other related
appointments. Tap the box under
Category, and then select a preset category (Business, Holiday,
Personal, or Seasonal).
7. Fill in other details of the appointment.
8. When finished, tap OK to return to the Calendar tab.
Viewing and Managing Your Appointments
In month view, the highlighted date indicates that it is the current date. Dates with appointments are indicated
by a triangle ( ) at the upper-right corner of the date box.
To change between different calendar views
On the Calendar tab, tap
Menu and then choose whether to display the calendar in Agenda, Day, Week, Month,
Year view.
To check your appointments
To check what appointments you have during a certain date, tap a date on the month calendar. The Calendar
tab then changes to Day view and displays all your appointments and the weather information for that day.
Agenda view displays appointments for the next seven days, including the current day.
To select another month in the calendar, swipe our finger up or down the screen. You can also tap the Up or
Down arrow shown beside the month and year.