Section 2C. Using the Home Screen 49
Using the Home Screen
In Day view, tap an appointment to view complete details of that appointment. On the subsequent screen,
you can tap
Menu to choose whether to edit or delete the appointment.
When in month view, swipe your finger up or down the screen to display the next or previous month on the
calendar. You can also tap the Up and Down arrows that appear on the left and right sides of the month.
The weather information appears only if you have set your local time to a city on the World Clock tab, and if the
appointment date is within the 5-day forecast on the Weather tab. See “World Clock” on page 36 and
“Weather” on page 56 for details.
• Your upcoming appointments also appear on the Home tab. See “Home” on page 35 for details.
• You can also use the Windows Mobile Calendar program to create, view, and send appointments. To open the
Calendar program, tap Start > Outlook > Calendar. For more information about using Windows Mobile
Calendar, refer to the “Help & How-To” topics on the Windows Mobile website.