112 Exchanging Messages
To download an attachment
In an open message with an attachment to download, click the attachment. If there
is more than one attachment, click the other attachments to download them. You
can directly open the file in the associated program after you download them by
clicking the attachment again.
To reply to or forward an email
1. Open the message and click Menu > Reply > Reply, Reply All, or Forward.
2. Enter your response. To quickly add common messages, click Menu > My
Text and choose a desired message.
3. Click Send.
Notes • You can receive and view HTML emails from any type of email account. The
HTML format is retained, without layout shifting or resizing. HTML email support
in Outlook Mobile is available only if you are synchronizing your phone with
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.
When replying using an Outlook email account, you can customize ActiveSync to
exclude addresses, including your own, from being added to the recipient list. Click
Menu > Options in ActiveSync, select the Email item and then click Settings.
In the Email Sync Options screen, click Menu > Advanced and then in the My
email addresses text box, enter email addresses you want to exclude.
Synchronize emails
Synchronizing emails ensures that new emails are downloaded to the phone Inbox
folder, emails in the Outbox folder are sent, and emails deleted from the server are
removed from your phone. The manner in which you synchronize emails depends
on the type of email account you have.