Using Phone Features 57
2.4 In-Call Options
Your phone gives you various options when you are in a call.
In-call Phone screen
Press To
NAVIGATION up Toggle between turning on
and off the speakerphone.
The icon appears at the
top of the screen when in
Speakerphone mode.
NAVIGATION down Toggle between turning on or
off the microphone.
The icon appears on the
screen when the microphone
is turned off.
NAVIGATION right Open Contacts.
NAVIGATION left Put the current call on hold
and call another person.
CENTER OK Put the call on hold. Press
again to resume the call.
Tip The speakerphone can also be toggled on and off by pressing and holding TALK/
SEND during the call.
WARNING! To avoid damage to your hearing, do not hold your phone against your ear
when the speakerphone is turned on.
To adjust the call volume
Press the VOLUME BUTTONS on the side of the phone.