ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide 15
Change Data Rate
: This button allows you to change the connection
parameters for the current session.
Quick Connect:
These buttons access pre-stored connection profiles.
The display includes the GPS receiver state (On/Off), GPS satellites
visible, GPS validity, compass direction and antenna angle. To obtain a
GPS fix, make sure there are at least three visible satellites reported.
Once a GPS position is obtained, the ThurayaIP will provide the compass
direction and degrees of elevation to the satellite. This information is
used in the pointing operation described earlier.
The Properties screen displays a summary of current communications
parameter settings. You can also use this screen to do the following:
• Restore Factory Defaults
• Reset Terminal
• Power Off Terminal
• Upgrade Modem Software (a link to the upgrade website)
Properties Screen
About Restoring Factory Defaults: When you click this button, the restore
message confirmation screen informs you that the terminal is about to
reset to factory defaults. Restoring the factory defaults returns the
ThurayaIP settings to their original, just out-of-the-box state. This does not
change the security code or SIM parameters. Please exercise caution
when proceeding. If you invoke Restore Factory Defaults, you will need