26 ThurayaIP Satellite Modem User Guide
The pointing screen has a signal strength bar graph and numeric value
to assist in accurate antenna pointing. The green bar identifies the signal
strength measured during antenna pointing and will help you optimise
the pointing direction. Note that obtaining the highest signal strength
possible will ensure that you have an optimum connection to the
GPS Receiver
: On/Off
GPS Satellites
: The number of satellites visible to the unit
GPS Validity
: Invalid, Stored or Valid. See the Global Positioning System
Operation section for more details on GPS.
Point Antenna to These Settings
: Compass Direction and Antenna Angle
to help orient ThurayaIP toward the satellite. Once this rough pointing is
accomplished, use the Signal Strength meter described below to
optimise the pointing direction.
Signal Strength
: This blue bar moves to the right as the signal received
from the satellite gets stronger. The numeric display to the right of the
bar is simply a digital representation of the bar. The orange peak-hold
bar at the end of the blue bar identifies the highest signal strength
measured during antenna pointing and will help you optimise the
pointing direction. Use this display when fine tuning ThurayaIP’s
orientation to the satellite. Signal strength is only a relative measure of
the satellite signal strength and may vary from location to location.
Exit Pointing
: Select this button to leave the screen after optimum signal
strength has been achieved. This action will take you to the Home
screen on the wMMI.
: Status codes (see end of guide for a list).