3. Controller Parameter Setup HRView Function Manual
Hi3 controller has two serial ports. One is for T/P, and the other serial port #1 is for HRView.
Ethernet is not available.
Hi3TB and Hi4a robot controllers have four serial ports. Two of them can be used for HRView.
Serial port #1 in condition setup is RS-232C port attached to controller cabinet front. In case
of Hi3TB, serial port #2 is connected to RJ-45 port through Ethernet adopter. (Check the
option applied to the robot controller to be used.)
Except the following setup, additional manipulation for communication is not necessary.
Controller can be in the any mode or any manipulation status. While the motor is on and the
robot performs a job, HRView can be used. This is called “Hot Save/Load” function.
Controller performs transmission and reception internally according to HRView request signal
through Ethernet or RS-232C cable. These details are not indicated on the teach pendant