HRView Function Manual 9. Release note
occurs while file transfer.
17. version 1.53 - 2002.03.13
(1) LOAD changed to Download. SAVE changed to Upload.
(2) During Upload (save), progress bar rises. However, the rising move repeats until
transfer ends, because file size is not predictable.
(3) During Upload, in case that the file already exists, if the file is read-only file, it is
considered as an error. Otherwise, a dialog box asks whether to rewrite the file.
18. version 1.55 - 2002.03.19
(1) During Download, in case that the file already exists, a dialog box asks whether to
rewrite the file. (This function is activated only in Hi3-TB 7.05.01, Hi4a 10.00-16 and
higher version.)
(2) Communication failure message supplemented (Check list)
(3) Caution: Not compatible with the existing HRView.DLL versions.
19. version 1.57 - 2002.05.30
(1) When transfer fails, tries two more times.
(2) Move button to a parent directory added
(3) Directory creation button added
(4) HRView.dll version check function added to HELP menu.
Current HRView.dll is v1.20 build 0001.
HRView.dll of the previous versions has no version.
20. version 1.60 - 2002.06.17
(1) Button names changed: Download -> To Controller, Upload -> To PC
(2) Direct editing in the directory edit box of PC. (Clip board-paste available)
(After editing, press [Search again] to reflect the changes.)
(3) Dialog box size change and maximizing available. (Minimum size is limited to
(4) Step number On/Off function is available for multiple files.
(5) Program file conversion function added (from v1.5 to v1.0)
21. version 1.63 - 2002.06.25