CCA Release 2.54 DES_Key_Record_List
DES_Key_Record_List (CSNBKRL)
OS/2 AIX Win NT/
IBM 4758-2/23 X X X X
The DES_Key_Record_List verb creates a key-record-list data set containing
information about specified key records in key storage. Information listed includes
whether record validation is correct, the type of key, and the date and time the
record was created and last updated.
Specify the key records to be listed using the key-label variable. To identify
multiple key-records, use the wild card (*) in the key label.
Note: To list all the labels in key storage, specify a key_label of *, *.*, *.*.*, and
so forth, up to a maximum of seven name tokens (*.*.*.*.*.*.*).
The verb creates the key-record-list data set and returns the name of the data set
and the length of the data set name to the calling application. This data set has a
header record, followed by 0 to n detail records, where n is the number of key
records with matching key-labels. For information about the header and detail
records, see “Key_Record_List Data Set” on page B-25.
AIX users should refer to the CCA Support Program Installation Manual, Chapter 3,
AIX installation instructions for information concerning the location of the
key-record-list directory.
return_code Output Integer
reason_code Output Integer
exit_data_length In/Output Integer
exit_data In/Output String exit_data_length bytes
key_label Input String 64 bytes
data_set_name_length Output Integer
data_set_name Output String data_set_name_length bytes
security_server_name Output String 8 bytes
For the definitions of the return_code, reason_code, exit_data_length, and exit_data
parameters, see “Parameters Common to All Verbs” on page 1-11.
The key_label parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing the key
label of a key-token record in key storage. In a key label, you can use a wild
card (*) to identify multiple records in key storage.
Chapter 7. Key-Storage Verbs 7-7