CCA Release 2.54
Figure B-29 (Page 2 of 2). Key-Record-List Data Set Format (Other Than OS/400)
Offset Length Meaning
Detail Record (Part 1)
0 1 This field contains an asterisk (*) if the key-storage record did not have a
correct record validation value; this record should be considered to be a
potential error.
1 2 This field contains spaces for separation.
3 64 This field contains the key label.
67 8 This field contains the key type. If a null key token exists in the record or if
the key token does not contain the key value, this field is set to NO-KEY.
For the DES key-storage, if the key token does not contain a control vector,
this field is set to NO-CV. If the control vector cannot be decoded to a
recognized key type, this field is set to ERROR, and an asterisk (*) is set into
the record at offset 0. For PKA key-storage, the possible key types are:
75 2 This field contains a carriage return or line feeds (CR/LF).
Detail Record (Part 2)
77/0 4 For an internal token, this field will contain (the first) two bytes of the Master
key verification pattern expressed in hexadecimal.
81/4 1 This field contains spaces for separation
82/5 8 Reserved, filled with space characters.
90/13 2 This field contains spaces for separation.
92/15 19 This field contains the date and time when the record was created. The
format is ccyy-mm-dd hh:tt:ss, where:
cc Is the century
yy Is the year
mm Is the month
dd Is the day
hh Is the hour
tt Is the minute
ss Is the second.
A space character separates the day and the hour.
111/34 2 This field contains spaces for separation.
113/36 19 This field contains the last time and date when the record was updated. The
format is ccyy-mm-dd hh:tt:ss, where:
cc Is the century
yy Is the year
mm Is the month
dd Is the day
hh Is the hour
tt Is the minute
ss Is the second.
A space character separates the day and the hour.
132/55 1 This field contains a space character for separation.
133/56 8 This field contains type of token, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL or NO-KEY (null
token). Anything else, this field is set of ERROR and an asterisk (*) is set
into the record offset 0 field.
141/64 11 Reserved, filled with space characters.
152/75 2 This field contains a carriage return (CR) or line feeds (LF).
B-26 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005