1/6-inch line spacing, selecting 44
1/8-inch line spacing, selecting 43
4610 Models 2xR
Firmware offline tests 102
offline test, firmware 102
accessibility of publications xii
align positions command 48
asynchronous commands 74
data buffer management and batch
printing 76
real-time requests 74
backspace, composite characters 71
batch printing, and data buffer
management 76
battery return program 118
cable ferrite requirement 116
cash drawer drive pulse command 73
changing the interface card or logic
card 104
character that selects font a/b/c 35
check processing commands 69
flip check 71
MICR read 69
checksum of downloaded logo or
message 29
checksum of flash memory sector,
request 29
Class A compliance statement
Australia and New Zealand 114
China 115
European Union 113
FCC (USA) 113
Germany 114
Industry Canada 114
Japan 115
Taiwan 116
code page command, set 41
color printing, selecting 44
communication parameters 5
composite characters, backspace 71
damage from electrostatic discharge 116
data buffer management commands 76
data buffer management, and batch
printing 76
disable line count 77
EC level marker command 76
data buffer management, and batch
printing (continued)
hold printing until buffer is
released 77
release print buffer 78
reset line count 77
defaults, printer memory allocation 19
define document wait time command 49
disable feed buttons 52
disable line count 77
disable the beeper 51
disable upside-down printing 52
disposal of equipment 117
document handling, landscape mode
commands 86
document handling, portrait mode
commands 85
document length, setting 39
document sensor threshold,
resetting 106
double-byte characters 20
double-high mode command, set or
cancel 37
double-wide mode command, set or
cancel 37
download graphics (logo) commands 20
download user-defined characters
command 23
driver documentation by operating
system 6
EC level marker command 76
EC request command 75
edition notice ii
electronic emissions notices 113
Australia and New Zealand 114
China 115
European Union 113
FCC (USA) 113
Germany 114
Industry Canada 114
Japan 115
Korea 115
Taiwan 116
electrostatic discharge (ESD) 116
emphasized printing command, set or
cancel 38
emulation mode for Model
2CR/2NR/1NR 16
emulation of non-IBM printers 17
enable feed buttons 52
enable the beeper 51
enable upside-down printing 52
end of life disposal 117
equipment disposal 117
erase flash sector command 30
error recovery command, set 49
European Union battery recycling
statement 119
extended address command 15
ferrite requirement 116
firmware offline tests 102
changing the interface or logic
card 104
offline test menu 103
storing a new serial number 105
Firmware offline tests
4610 Models 2xR 102
For 1xR 107
firmware offline tests setup
procedures 102
fix font matrix 54
flash storage write command 30
flat panel displays 120
flip check command 71
hardware requirements 2
hold printing command 77
horizontal tab command 71
horizontal tabs command, set 46
impact code page command 27
intercharacter spacing command, set for
single byte character sets 42
invert command, set or cancel 38
Japan Electronics and Information
Technology Industries Association
statement 115
Japanese Electrical Appliance and
Material Safety Law statement 115
Japanese power line harmonics
compliance statement 115
Japanese VCCI Council Class A
statement 115
Korean communications statement 115
landscape mode 86
landscape printing commands 86
left margin command, set 46
line spacing, minimum units 45
line spacing, select 1/6 44
line spacing, select 1/8 43
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