Table 4. Commands in alphabetical order (continued)
Description Command Page
MICR read ESC I or X'1B49' 69
Microcode tolerance (MCT)
information - loading
ESC M nhlor X'1B4D;n;h;l' 31
Microcode tolerance (MCT)
information - request
ESC S n or X'1B53;n' 31
Paper cut/DI eject ESC i or ESC m or X'1B69' or X'1B6D' 73
Predefine messages GS : message# data GS : or X'1D3A;message#;data;1D3A' 22
Print and feed paper n lines ESC d n or X'1B64;n' 65
Print and feed paper using
minimum units
ESC J n or X'1B4A;n' 65
Print and line feed LF or X'0A' 64
Print and line feed CR or X'0D' 64
Print bar code GS k n NUL or X'1D6B;n;data;00' 56
Print logo inline GS J d n1 n2 data or X'1D4A;d;n1;n2;data' 54
Print page in page mode ESC FF or X'1B0C' 83
Print PDF417 bar code GS P data NUL or X'1D;50;data;00' 62
Print predefined graphics (logo)
GS / m logo# or X'1D2F;m;logo#' 67
Print predefined messages GS ^ message# or X'1D5E;message#' 68
Proportional font ESC & s n m data or X'1B26;s;n;m;data' 25
Real-time requests DLE ENQ m or X'1005n' 74
Re-initialize the printer ESC @ or X'1B40' 51
Request document length for
landscape print
GS N X'02' Null or X'1D4E;02;00' 40
Reset line count ESC 6 or X'1B36' 77
Retrieve size of user flash storage ESC 4 x '03 FF FF FF' or X'1B34;03;FF;FF;FF' 74
Retrieve the flash storage ESC 4 n1 n2 X'1B34;n1;n2' 73
Retrieve checksum of each
downloaded logo or each stored
ESC | n1 n2 or X'1B7C;n1;n2' 29
Return home (select print head
ESC < n or X'1B3C;n' 72
Select and print a graphics (logo)
ESC * d w h data or X'1B2A;d;w;h;data' 65
Select aspect ratio PDF417 bar code GS S r;c or X'1D53;r;c' 63
Select bar code height GS h n or X'1D68;n' 61
Select character for reprinted lines ESC + n or X'1B2B;n' 50
Select character size for scalable
GS ! n or X'1D21;n' 53
Select color printing ESC r n or X'1B72;n' 44
Select font for HRI GS f n or X'1D66;n' 62
Select horizontal size of bar code GS w n or X'1D77;n' 61
Select page mode ESC L or X'1B;4C' 79
Chapter 2. Communication parameters 11