Chapter 3: Devices and Services
Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W 115
• With pre-4.4.3 Netcool/Proviso versions, ensure that the dc.cfg file contains a URI for each CCM
Publisher bulk adaptor, and that the URI matches the URI of the associated data source in the
Collecting CDR, CMR, and Perfmon Data with Cisco Unified Call Manager
With Cisco Unified CallManager (CUCM), the technology pack collects CDR, CMR, and Perfmon data files in
either of the following ways:
• Through SOAP requests to the CUCM server and PerfmonPorts API.
• Through a schedule for pushing the data files back to the DataChannel server. The schedule is specified by
CUCM Web administration configuration settings.
In both cases, the CUCM pushes the data back to the technology pack via FTP.
The technology pack includes a Java application called ProvisoCUCM. This application is responsible for sending
the SOAP requests to the CUCM, and for producing the CSV files for the UBA from the data files pushed back
to the DataChannel server by the CUCM server.
The ProvisoCUCM finds the address of the CUCM server, authentication information, and other configuration
details in the file
cucm.properties. You install and edit this file when you configure the technology pack, as
described in the section
Configure the Technology Pack on page 440
The following figure illustrates the technology pack’s data collection architecture in a CUCM environment: