Chapter 7: Collection Formulas
Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W 177
Formula Reference
The following pages provide a reference of the formulas that this technology pack provides. The reference pages
have the following sections:
• Type. The source of data for the formula being described — for example, SNMP (collect).
• Description. The description of the formula.
• Syntax. The formula that generates the metric from the collected SNMP data.
After this formula processes the data, the resulting metric can be used in Netcool/Proviso DataView reports
and in calculations of other metrics.
See the Netcool/Proviso SNMP Formula Language Guide for detailed information about the syntax used to write
SNMP collection formulas.
• Formula Input. This section appears with CME formulas only. It shows the variables that the CME formula
uses as input, and the property or formula that supplies a variable’s value. In the following example, the
Egress Octets Forwarded is the source of the value of the input variable EgressOct:
Input: EgressOct
Source: Egress Octets Forwarded (Formula)
• Generic Database Alias. A database location where the metric generated by a formula can be stored.
Typically, generic metrics serve as repositories in the database for mixed data collected from a particular kind
of sub-element — for example, low- and high-capacity interfaces. Storing mixed data against a generic metric
ID allows you to display the different kinds of data in a single report.
• Path. The path where the referenced SNMP collection formula is defined in the Netcool/Proviso database.
You view the formula tree through the Formula Selector dialog of the Netcool/Proviso Formula Editor. To
display this dialog, click File > Load in the Formula Editor.
• MIB. One or more MIBs that supply data to the referenced SNMP formula.