6947ch07.fm Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
176 IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
lost elsewhere in the enterprise. CBU adds Central Processors (CPs) to the available pool of
processors and is activated only in an emergency.
GDPS-CBU management automates the process of dynamically adding reserved Central
Processors, thereby minimizing manual customer intervention and the potential for errors.
The outage time for critical workloads can be reduced from hours to minutes.
Concurrent activation of Capacity Backup (CBU) can be performed in parallel across multiple
servers which results in an improved RTO. This applies to both the GDPS/PPRC and
GDPS/XRC configurations.
Similarly, GDPS-CBU management can also automate the process of dynamically returning
the reserved CPs when the temporary period has expired.
7.5 Intelligent Resource Director
Intelligent Resource Director (IRD) is a new capability only available on zSeries, running
z/OS. IRD is a function that optimizes processor CPU and channel resource utilization across
logical partitions within a single zSeries.
IRD overview
The Intelligent Resource Director (IRD) is a new feature introduced in z/OS, extending the
concept of goal-oriented resource management by allowing you to group system images that
are resident on the same zSeries server running in LPAR mode, and in the same Parallel
Sysplex, into an “LPAR cluster.” This gives Workload Management the ability to manage
resources, both processor and I/O, not just in one single image but across the entire cluster of
system images.
Figure 7-12 on page 176 shows an LPAR cluster. It contains three z/OS images, and one
Linux image managed by the cluster. Note that included as part of the entire Parallel Sysplex
is an OS/390 image, as well as a Coupling Facility image. In this example the scope that IRD
has control over is the defined LPAR cluster.
Figure 7-12 IRD LPAR cluster example
LPAR Cluster