6947ch02.fm Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
64 IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
Table 2-6 z990 software models
This structure enables a different approach to downgrading the system in cases where a
larger system is installed on which, for software charging reasons, temporarily less CP
capacity must be assigned. It is now possible (with the use of the IBM internal e-Config tool)
to order a simultaneous downgrade.
Consider, for example, an IBM 2084-A08 ordered with six PUs for customer use. Feature
code (F/C 0716) specifies the number of PUs characterized as CPs (assume 4), and a
different feature code (F/C 1716) specifies the number unassigned CPs (assume 2). The
unassigned CPs are part of the order, but cannot be used and will not be charged for MLC
software charges. Later, when the capacity need requires it, the unassigned CPs can be
assigned and will become active assigned CPs.
An unassigned CP is a PU that is purchased as a CP, but is not active in the model
configuration. An unassigned IFL is a PU that is purchased as an IFL, but is not active in the
current model configuration.
A minimum of one PU characterized as a CP, IFL, or ICF is required per system. PUs can be
characterized as CPs, IFLs, ICFs, or zAAPs. The maximum number of CPs is 32, the
maximum number of IFLs is 32, and the maximum number of ICFs is 16, and the maximum
number of zAAPs amounts to 16 (up to 4 zAAPs per book). Not all PUs available on a model
are required to be characterized as a CP, IFL, ICF, or zAAP. Only purchased PUs are
identified by a feature code.
Feature codes related to CPs and unassigned CPs, IFLs and unassigned IFLs, ICFs, SAPs,
and zAAPs are:
Feature code 0716 for a CP
Feature code 1716 for an unassigned CP
Feature code 0516 for an IFL
Feature code 0517 for an unassigned IFL
Feature code 0518 for an ICF
Feature code 0519 for an optional SAP
Feature code 0520 for a zAAP
PU conversions
Assigned CPs, unassigned CPs, assigned IFLs, unassigned IFLs, and ICFs may be
converted to other assigned, or unassigned feature codes. Valid conversion paths are:
Conversion of feature code 0716 to 1716, 0516 or 0518 for conversion of a CP to an
unassigned CP, an IFL or an ICF
Conversion of feature code 1716 to 0716, for conversion of an unassigned CP to a CP
Conversion of feature code 0516 to 0517, 0518 or 0716, for conversion of an IFL to an
unassigned IFL, an ICF or a CP
z990 Models Software
IBM 2084-A08 301 - 308
IBM 2084-B16 301 - 316
IBM 2084-C24 301 - 324
IBM 2084-D32 301 - 332
Note: Software model number 300 is used for IFL or ICF only models.